Thursday, May 03, 2007

Google goes Wireless

Google has hired many top guns is the wireless industry to help shape the way the auction for the 10 billion in licesnces to provide wireless access will be caried out. They want to expand the competition in the market for high-speed Internet access. Google is working with earthlink in San Francisco and there are reports that its building its own wireless handset. Google may be bidding in the 700 mhz auction.

You can read the entire article at:

1 comment:

joe patis said...

This company never ceases to amaze me! I used to think that Seattle was taking over the world by the looks of its globe-conquering corporate citizens Microsoft, Starbucks, Boeing, and Amazon, all located in or near the booming city. However, after reading the recent news about Google I think Silicon Valley is back in the saddle again and heading north into the rain to do battle! Apparently Google is also developing a new search engine specifically for information stored by governments of all shapes and sizes! They may have their hands full on this one though, since the most inefficient creation of humankind (i.e. government) has managed to generate more useless information than any other organization on the planet!