Wednesday, April 25, 2007

E-mail mistakes that make you look bad

Everyone has had problems with e-mail whether we said something we regreted or send it to the wrong person. Sometimes we forget to reply or never read important messages. I few things to remember is to think what you're going to write and proog read it. Never write when you're angry. Limit your e-mail accounts and don't rush through the process of sending because you might not hit send or you might forget the attachment. Also, if you're trying to be anonymous there are ways your IP number can be traced.


SurfPup said...

Something that everyone might not know is that it may be possible to unsend an email, if you do so quickly, before it has been delivered.
If you use Microsoft Outlook, here are the steps:

Recalling Email

You can also sometimes unsend an AOL email:

AOL Tips


htmstudent2007 said...

If there is something that I really want to say to someone that really important, I would never rely on an email. I know I do not have time to read all the messages that I if it's that important you should follow up with another email or phone call. Don't rely on emailing to build personal and business relationships.