Sunday, April 22, 2007

Blackberry Problems

Just recently, the Blackberry service had a cache-flow problem. Service stopped for 12 hours. Many people complained that those 12 hours could have change someone’s life dramatically, and were very disappointed in the situation. They feel that technology controls our life, which it does. If our technology that we rely on goes down for 12 hours, you may miss that very important opportunity. It also says later in the article that people feel comfortable when they have their technology running properly, but when something goes wrong, they no longer have that feeling of safety, and don't know what to do. They feel that since the Blackberry has to do with productivity, that people rely on it, and become in some cases addicted. I know I wouldn't be happy if my service went down for 12 hours, but I also hope that I don't ever rely that much on a Blackberry in the first place.

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