Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Google drops Froogle moniker

A moniker is just a type of name. Froogle was the name of Google's product search/ price comparison engine. It was actually quite useful. The VP of Search and User Experience at Google believed that the 'Froogle' name caused confusion. I have been using Froogle search frequently over the last year, and I was upset when I couldn't find it anymore. I don't think its a confusing name - it's logical enough. I guess some people have not made the connection between Froogle and frugal... The new product search engine is now called 'Google Product Search'

1 comment:

SurfPup said...

I love Froogle, and I was looking for it yesterday, and I was wondering where it was. Google did treat it like a red-headed stepchild. You can't find it on the main page with images, maps, news, and video. It's great for finding sites that carry the product you want and comparing prices among vendors. Technologies like this definitely shift the balance of power in favor of the buyer.
