Tuesday, April 03, 2007

How does Google make money???????

Many people wounder how google makes money when it is a free service. This Article was interesting to me because it talks about the sources of google's income. It also gives information about how much income google makes from each of these sources. These numbers are very interesting for example it states:

“ if we assume the average cost per click is a quarter (25 cents) then Google received about 24 billion ad clicks. That works out to about 60 million paid clicks per day, which means Google earns about $15 million per day on paid advertising!”

There is a lot of other cool info in the article so check it out…



SurfPup said...

I did a report last semester on click-fraud advertising that was very eye-opening. Rooms of people getting paid to click on ads, small comapanies getting squeezed, etc. Interesting stuff.
Let's ssee if I can make this link work:
Business Week.

David said...

Thanks for the hyperlink surfpup, I had heard about that scam, but did nto read the article anywhere. Now I know what eveyone was talking about last semester.

I think Google resolved the problem from their end right?