Thursday, March 08, 2007


Just as america was getting used to DST here it comes 2 weeks earlier than normal. DST is Americas worse nightmare it appears that many are upset with federal governement decision. IT administrators throughout the world are making the same adjustment with the daylight saving time (DST). Sunday March 11, 2007 time will “spring forward” one hour this Sunday, not the first Sunday in April, as was previously the case between 1986 and 2006. and will fall back in novemeber versus october 28th. This is Due to the Energy Policy Act of 2005, signed into law by President Bush Aug. 8, 2005, residents of states across the nation that observe Daylight Saving Time (DST) will be treated to three additional weeks of it this year . All systems across the states will have to change are need adjustments. Most systems are programmed for DST in the month of April. So some systems will be delayed an hour due to the changes made this year. There are special programms being sold for this adjsustment on DST for March 11, 2007. DST was initally put together to save electricity energy saver. Many argue that we will use more energy in the morning due to the morning being darker. The DST is been the talk across america. Many will watch to see if see DST 2 weeks earlier will make a difference some say it mostly depends on how the weather will be this year.


SurfPup said...
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SurfPup said...

Anyone notice any DST glitches today?
I noticed my Windows XP had the correct time this morning. On the other hand, when I logged onto TitanTV today (online tv guide service), the default time was an hour behind.
