Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Youtube is getting sued by media giants Viacom(the company who owns MTV and Nickelodeon)
They are sueing because of Youtubes alleged usage of clips without authorization from Viacom. I think this is a bunch of bull. Youtube uses clips that people put on the website. I watch youtube clips very often and would be pissed if it got shut down. Its all about the the dollar bill though right. Read more about this story at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/6446193.stm

1 comment:

SurfPup said...

I've hardly used Youtube. People are just posting short clips from television shows? I think a person should be able to post certain number of seconds from a show, and this should be protected as a "fair use" of the material.

On the other hand, if people are posting entire short cartoons, for example, I would be pretty upset as the copyright holder.
