Sunday, April 29, 2007

Hight-tech lie detector?

Lie detector tests are not very dependable and some people know ways around them, even with cables hooked up to you trying to monitor changes in your blood pressure and respiration. I think part of the process is to get you nervous and asking intriguing questions. Now the department of defense is experiment new ways to measure changes in your face, muscles, or eyes. One way is to measure your face's heat. A monitor shows different glowing colors as you may answer correct or false anwers. Another way is to use lasers to detect muscle contraction in your face or neck. It can also be used to study the blood flow when aimed at an artery. The other option is to the eyes and see the movement and changes after the person answers questions. The best part of all these tests is that it requires no cables to be attached to the person and it looks at features a person cannot have control over.,2933,269076,00.html


SurfPup said...

Interesting! I imagine they'll be measuring brainwave activity in different parts of the brain next. Do you think they'll ever come up with a foolproof system?


htmstudent2007 said...

That sounds pretty cool and this would be better than the current lie detectors, but people who can control their heart rate will definitely find ways to keep the muscles in their face, eyes, etc. from being affected. There will always be people who can get away with murder.