Saturday, April 28, 2007

Ohio University bans P2P

Ohio University has banned its students and employees from using P2P networking. What other organizations do you think will follow? The university claims that the P2P programs use up too much bandwidth and cause legal troubles. The CIO at Ohio university says that P2P programs consume a "disproportionate amount of resources both in bandwidth and human technical support." I believe they are more concerned with the legality of the matter. Students are already looking for ways to get around the ban. Students and employees will have their Internet access taken away upon their first offense.


SurfPup said...

Schools are so notorious for illegal music downloading by students. I'm sure other schools will follow suit.


htmstudent2007 said...

What is P2P networking??

allaboutsand said...

P2P is a peer-to-peer computer network which doesn't usually involve servers (2 PCs connected directly together instead). It is basically just for sharing files like mp3s, pics, vids..ect. Kaza, Limewire, Napster are some examples of P2P networks.