Monday, April 30, 2007

Mosquito Ringtone

Mosquito ringtone has been around for a while so I assume many people already know about this.
Mosquito Ringtone is a popular ringtone that was hijacked from a technology that was originally used to repel loitering teens from shops in the UK. Inventor Howard Stapleton developed the "Mosquito device" for Compound Security Systems. This device emits a modulated 17khz sound that proves to be a great annoyance to teenagers or anyone younger, but leaves most over twenty years of age unaffected. This is due to presbycusis, a normal loss of acute hearing that occurs with advancing age. Teen Buzz was developed using the same technology, but as a constant 17khz high frequency ringtone. It is primarily used in the classroom, allowing students to be alerted of incoming text messages on their mobile phones without the knowledge of their teachers.

Here it is! check this out and see if you can hear it!

1 comment:

SurfPup said...

Interesting idea and article.
I'm not thrilled with the idea of this annoying sound going off during a classroom. Even if the teacher can't hear it, presumably, most of the other students can.
