Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Flash Drives

I had never owned a flash drive before, and about a week before the semester started, they were giving them out at work, so I took one. It's not particularly big or fast. I can't believe how much I use it now. It's loaded up with files from 3 of my classes, and I use this everyday now.

One thing you have to remember now is where you have the latest version of documents that you've worked on. I know I accidentally posted an older version of a presentation once, before realizing that the version on the hard drive hadn't been spell-checked properly. Fortunately, I noticed right away and replaced it with the lastes copy from my flash drive.

You'd have to pry this from my cold, dead hand now to take it away.

Always fascinated by technology,


1 comment:

SassyGal said...

Hey this is my first time using a flash drive too. I had it in my laptop bag for like a year now and I finally decide to use it. I usually email my documents to myself because I feel its more safe that way. But after using flash drives..wow..it's alot faster and easier!