Sunday, February 04, 2007

MIS surf

To whom it may concern,

My understanding of MIS:
MIS stand for Management Information System. According to Kroenke M David, author of Using MIS we define MIS is "the development and use of information systems that help businesses acheive their goals and objectives". Development and use, information system, business goals and objective is vital elements for and organization to consider on how their information system (IS) will be developed. The five fundamental components of the information system: computor hardware, software, data, procedures and people are to be considered an assembly of of components which IS will use to develope an effiecient system.

My use of MIS:
My use of MIS will be efficiently and effectively acheive business goals and objective in an organiztion. People with in the organization will help me develop and use of the information system which will work well for the organization.

My connection of MIS:
Throughout my occupational carreer in production and design MIS has been very vital in communication within the company. Understanding how a information system is developed and which components I should be aware about while I communicate with IS on which Information technogoly is needed for the organization to achieve efficient and effective business goals. Good information should be accurate, timely, relavant, just barely sufficient and worth its cost, so collection of this data will need to be stored in a information system which is user friendly for departments like: Marketing, Engineering, Accounting, Purchasing Etc..

My MIS course benefits:
As young professional sufficient MIS knowledge is vital in understanding information technology products and services. I should be able to ask questions that are pertinent and correctly interpet what system the IS department is developing. This course will help me make wise decisions and to manage effectively. Understanding and being able to ask question will help me find and develop a user friendly information system suitable for all departments in the oraganization.


1 comment:

Fang said...

To whom it may concern,

You made good comments, which show you have read the book carefully. However, you can talk a little bit more personal here since it is an informal blog site.

