Thursday, February 22, 2007


Is anyone else using Opera as their browser? I just downloaded it and installed it because I have a lot of trouble using Internet Explorer 7 with WebCT. I couldn't view any of the class PowerPoint slides.

Anyway, Opera is fast. I can't believe how much faster it is than IE 7. You can try it out here:



SurfPup said...

I should mention that WebCT complains that Opera 9.1 is an unsupported version, which is annoying, but it seems to work just fine.


Ulquiorra82 said...

I use it on my Nintendo Wii =)

SurfPup said...

Really? That's so cool. I didn't know you could do that!


Ulquiorra82 said...

Yeah, it is the browser you use if you want to surf on the internet from the Wii.

Fang said...

Fantastic. I am currently using both IE 7 and Firefox. IE 7 is installed by the IITS of CSUSM (no choice). I like Firefox. However, when it comes to download flashes, there are restrictions. Can you give a more details on the comparison among these three browsers? including the security issues reported. Maybe I will consider switching...

SurfPup said...

Here is a fairly recent article comparing the 3. I have not used FireFox, but I'm reading this article now:,1697,1990850,00.asp
I wish links in comments were live.
